To many words with no hints. You will loose trying to find a word from typing real words in.. So forget it .. Unless you hint to the word its pointless to play
To many words with no hints. You will loose trying to find a word from typing real words in.. So forget it .. Unless you hint to the word its pointless to play
Stupidest game Ive played.
It gives you a letter for a hint thats the only good thing every thing else terrible
My neice says" the monster is funny" agree?
Medium should be unlocked cause little r 2 little like seriously
Nice graphics awesome game
My default character appears to be a man of color. As i tried to win I was extremely disturbed to see him get lynched in a hate crime of poor spelling.
I really like the game. Thank you
Fun :)
A fun game and very addictive. The short words are quite challenging since many of the words have the same characteristics.
Good but could be better if there was more options to get hints on words
Doesnt even give a hint without buying one after the first game or 2. Waste of time!!
Lots of fun. Makes you think. Nice job
I like the game I just wish the clues were automatic.
Its fun to just hang out and play this game. Youll be roped in no time.
This app wont even open on iPad2 I should have read reviews before downloading!
This game is hard cuz it doesnt use real words boooooo
I hate this game cause u can only use small words
This game is wonderful!